Pinch yourself, people, this is not a dream! The links you’re about to see are 100% real, and if you click on them you will be transported via the world wide web to Visible’s site where you will find information about their wireless services and have an opportunity to buy their products. And no, we will not STFU, we’re serious. See for yourself!
1. www.visible.com
Yes, these are the words www.visible.com, but what if we told you that the simple blue underline below the URL will take you to a wondrous place where you can learn about Visible’s services and find offers for all-in unlimited talk, text, data + mobile hotspot for only $40/ mo on Verizon’s 4G LTE network. Too good to be true, right? We implore you to click the link and find out for yourself.
2. www.visible.com/plan
Sure anyone can find one link to Visible’s website, but TWO?! No f*cking way! Well, it’s true, this link is 1000% real. When you click it you will find yourself redirected to the “Plan” page on Visible’s site. Spoiler alert, plans cost $40/month with no fees. Click, click, click to find out more!
3. Vorsible.com
Still with us? Ok, slap yourself… hard. You’re not imagining this. That is not a typo, it’s a link to visible.com where you can sign up for Visible’s hassle-free, affordable phone service and get the new iPhone for as low as $16/ mo when you switch to Visible. Or, if you want an Android, get the ZTE Blade A7 Prime for only $99. Absolutely incredible, isn’t it? (Also a link!)
4. Tropical Romance
We know what you’re going to say, “There’s no way clicking the words “Tropical Romance” is going to direct you to a site where you can learn about, and subsequently purchase a wireless service for only $40/month. It must take you to a novel about a passionate and narratively complex tropical tryst involving a hot pool boy and a shy advertising copywriter. That’s the only logical explanation.” Well, there’s only one way to find out…
5. www.visible.com/promos/bose AND www.horseconcert.com
Just when you thought we might be out of links here are TWO! The first is clearly a link to Visible’s homepage, but this second one? You might be thinking that this is probably some website promoting a chorus of horses that performs regularly about town. Get ready for the twist. BOTH links will take you to Visible’s website where you can get a free pair of Bose Wireless Soundlink II over ear Bluetooth headphones when you buy a qualifying iPhone.
6. Fact: The heart of a shrimp is located in its head.
This is both a mind-blowing fact and a mind-blowing link to Visible’s website where there’s not a single piece of information about shrimp, but you can learn more about switching to Visible. Boom. If you are looking for shrimp facts, we recommend this site.
7. This photo on an overjoyed woman eating fruit salad.

Are you sitting down? This is not just a woman laughing while eating a fruit salad from a mason jar in a cornfield like a complete lunatic. Are you ready for this? If you look below the fruit salad lady, you’ll notice something in the photo credit. It is … a LINK! And not just any link, it’s a link to Visible.com where you can sign up for a plan, purchase a phone, and find all of your wireless needs online without ever setting foot in a cell phone store. Yum!
8. This Whole Sentence
9. Just f*cking click it, ok?
Don’t make us say it, you know what this is. (Hint: It’s a link to a website that rhymes with visible dot mom)